Three Working Grounds
Practice Resources

Three Working Grounds are the classical practices of giving (dāna), virtue (sīla), and meditation or cultivation (bhāvanā). Cultivating these three practices can provide a firm basis for the arising of joy, connection, and wisdom, strengthening our roots and resources for Zen practice.

Below, find talks, readings, and references. This page will be updated as new talks on these themes are curated.



The Ground of Dāna: Giving

The Ground of Sīla: Virtue

The Ground of Bhāvanā: Cultivation

The Three Working Grounds
are often translated as the three grounds for meritorious activity:

This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, so I have heard: "There are these three grounds for meritorious activity. Which three? The ground for meritorious activity made of giving, the ground for meritorious activity made of virtue, and the ground for meritorious activity made of development [meditation]. These are the three grounds for meritorious activity."

Train in acts of merit that bring long-lasting bliss — develop giving, a life in tune, a mind of good-will. Developing these three things that bring about bliss, the wise reappear in a world of bliss unalloyed. — Itivuttaka 60 (Translation © Access to Insight.)